The Best Books of Summer 2021 to Sharpen your Mind, Actions and Productivity.
What is the last thing you want to do this summer? Read a book on a beach. Okay, you might say, “What? Ridiculous!” But I’m telling you, that’s the last thing you want to do.
I can’t deny that this summer hasn’t been as productive and clear as I would have liked. Between family and friends, I was never able to find the tranquility in my mind.
I found it hard to focus and deadlines were missed. I felt like I was in a constant whirlwind with no end in sight. It seemed like the ills of my life were never going to end. But then hope entered my life in the form of two books.

I’m reading a ton of books right now. I always feel guilty looking at my phone, and it’s the perfect time to get a whole bunch of reading done.
Summer’s always a great time to get back in the groove, whether that’s catching up on the reading you missed over the winter or going for a walk around the neighbourhood.
You have no idea how much more productive and inner peace reading these books bring.
I’m going to recommend two books I think everyone should read this summer.
The first is a book about Deep Work.
Deep work is a full-time immersion in a cognitively demanding task. It is designed to push you out of your comfort zone, and it can improve your skills rapidly. It’s never a good idea to be putting off your deep work for later.
This is because the same thing that makes deep work beneficial is also what makes it so hard to maintain.

The second book I read was called Atomic Habits.
This was a very interesting read, and it’s a book about changing habits. This is usually something quite difficult to achieve in any sphere of life but is perhaps especially tricky in the student and work world.
I believe it concentrates on changing negative habits to valuable ones and can be applied to habits in academia as well as habits you might want to apply in your personal life too.

Hope is the feeling you have when you have a chance or expectation that the outcome is good. You know that even when the going has been tough, there will be good things in the future.
The first time I saw these new books, I had the feeling that this would be an excellent reading, and I was not wrong. To be sincere I never thought about all the stuff that the authors mentioned in these books.
They really make me think about all the problems I have, and I just can’t wait to see what comes up next. Besides, I am sure that these books will offer me a lot of new ways to think about my life.
I have many things in my head that I would like to share with my colleagues and friends and these picks have actually helped me with that. The first time you see the books you would know that it will be a good reading because of the feeling you get.
Click here to buy these books : Atomic Habits, Deep Work
How do you spend your summer reading time?
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